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From September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025, there are several ways you can support the New Hampshire Women's Bar Association with a sponsorship. You can become an Annual Sponsor, or select one or more of the following events to sponsor:

  • 2024 Fall Reception
  • 2025 Annual Retreat

Become a Sponsor

To become a sponsor, please contact Lyndsay Robinson with the following information:

  • Your chosen sponsorship level
  • Sponsor name
  • Contact person
  • Address
  • Email
  • A high resolution JPG copy of your color advertisement and/or logo

You may submit your payment on this page, via PayPal, or via check to NHWBA, 497 Hooksett Road, Box 179, Manchester, NH 03104.

Annual Sponsorship Levels

Annual sponsorship covers the period September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.

Gold - $4,500

  • Two pages of advertising in event program at our signature events: Fall Reception, Post-Holiday Party, & Annual Retreat

  • Firm name and logo included in press releases, event advertisements, and on social media

  • Firm sign and banner* displayed at Fall Reception & Annual Retreat

  • Firm publicly recognized at Fall Reception, Post-Holiday Party, & Annual Retreat

  • Firm name included on all advertisements for Sustaining Members Events

  • Firm name included on all advertisements for NHWBA Monthly Book Clubs

  • Firm name included on all advertisements for NHWBA CLEs

    Silver - $4,000

    • Full page ad in event program at our signature events: Fall Reception, Post-Holiday Party & Annual Retreat

    • Firm name and logo included in press releases, event advertisements, and on social media 

    • Firm publicly recognized at Fall Reception, Post-Holiday Party, & Annual Retreat

    • Firm name included on all advertisements for Sustaining Members Events

    • Firm name included on all advertisements for NHWBA CLEs

    A La Carte Sponsorships – Fall Reception

    Our 2024 Fall Reception will take place on Wednesday, October 9.

    Champion - $3,500

    • Full page ad in event program for Fall Reception

    • Firm name and logo included in press releases, event advertisements, and on social media

    • Firm sign and banner* displayed at Fall Reception

    • Firm publicly recognized at Fall Reception

    Drink Ticket Sponsor - $2,250

    • Half page ad in event program for Fall Reception

    • Firm name and logo included on drink tickets

    • Firm name and logo included in press releases, event advertisements, and on social media 

    • Firm publicly recognized at Fall Reception

    Patron - $1,750

    • Half page ad in event program for Fall Reception

    • Firm name and logo included in press releases, event advertisements, and on social media 

    • Firm publicly recognized at Fall Reception


    Supporter - $1,000

    • Quarter page ad in event program for Fall Reception 

    • Firm name and logo included in event advertisements and on social media


    Friend - $500

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Fall Reception 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media


    Booster - $250

    • Firm name included in event program for Fall Reception

    • Firm name included on social media



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    * Mandatory fields
    *First name
    *Last name
    Please include your firm name, employer, business, or school name here.
    Phone - Mobile
    *Amount ($USD)
    Payment frequency

    A La Carte Sponsorships – Annual Retreat

    Our 2025 Annual Retreat will be held in the spring of 2025

    Drink Ticket/Cocktail Hour Sponsor - $2,000 SOLD

    • Firm name and logo included on drink tickets

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    Welcome Boxes:  $1,500 SOLD

    • Firm name advertised on welcome boxes

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    Dinner:  $1,500

    • Firm sign displayed during dinner

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    CLE/Programming:  $1,000

    • Firm name included with CLE materials 

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    Breakfast:  $1,000

    • Firm sign displayed during breakfast

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    Early Snack/Late-Night Snack:  $750

    Two opportunities available.

    • Firm sign displayed during lunch or during a late-night snack

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

    Trivia:  $500 SOLD

    • Firm sign displayed during trivia

    • Firm name and logo included in event program for Retreat 

    • Firm name and logo included on social media

      *Banner/sign and easel to be provided by sponsoring firm

      **At each event there may be separate, individual special event sponsorship levels not included in these levels, which may include recognition that is not specifically described in this overview of sponsorship levels. If you want to discuss the specifics of those special sponsorships, please reach out to Lyndsay N. Robinson, Treasurer at 603-617-4712 or

      ***The NHWBA reserves the right to change sponsorship levels and benefits for sponsorship depending on availability and if NHWBA deems it necessary. If any changes are to be made to sponsorships already pledged and/or paid for, NHWBA will work with the sponsoring firm to address any concerns.

      ****Annual Retreat sponsorships may include additional levels at a later date. More details to follow.

      How to Become a Sponsor

      Please contact Lyndsay Robinson at or 603-617-4712 with questions or if you want to discuss alternative sponsorship options. Please also email us a .jpg of your firm logo.

      Payments by credit card can be made on our website through the above form.

      If you wish to pay by check, please provide the information below (in white) and send a check made payable to:

      New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association to 497 Hooksett Road, Box 179, Manchester, NH 03104.

      Firm Organization, Event or Annual, Sponsorship Level, Contact Name, Contact Phone and Email.

      This web site is for informational purposes only. No information submitted to this site will be deemed to be, or kept, confidential. The NHWBA is a voluntary professional organization. It is not affiliated with the New Hampshire Bar Association.

      Copyright 2023 NHWBA. All Rights Reserved.

      New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

      497 Hooksett Road

      Box 179

      Manchester, NH 03104