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Winnie McLaughlin Scholarship

The NHWBA, in partnership with University of New Hampshire School of Law, created an endowment to support an academic scholarship awarded to a rising second year law student each year. 

The scholarship is named after Agnes Winifred McLaughlin, the first woman admitted to practice law in New Hampshire on June 30, 1917.

The award criteria include:

    • Demonstrated academic achievement (3.0 GPA or better)*; and
    • Demonstrated commitment to advancing the interests of women in the legal field or broader community.

This collaboration between the NHWBA and the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law is intended to attract talented law students to the New Hampshire legal community who might otherwise accept offers from schools providing better scholarship packages.

*This requirement may be modified in the discretion of the committee.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Phone - Mobile
Mailing Address - Home
City- Home
Zip Code - Home
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency

Winnie McLaughlin

Scholarship Recipients

2024Heather Howell
2023Sydney Brazile
Ronelle Tshiela
2021Angel Jingwei Li
2020Rachel K. Ballard 
2019 Teresa "Tess" Farley
2018Kirsten Jade Allen
2017 Katharine L. Courville
2016 Christine Hilliard
2015 Lyndsay N. Robinson
2014 Allison M. Fusco
2013 Lindsay E. (Whitelaw) Nadeau
2012 Jessica J. Allsop
2010 Andrea Christensen
2009 Karinne Brobst
2008 Emelia (Smallidge) Galdieri 
2006 - 2008 Jessica LeCat
2003 - 2006 Barbara Bedard 

This web site is for informational purposes only. No information submitted to this site will be deemed to be, or kept, confidential. The NHWBA is a voluntary professional organization. It is not affiliated with the New Hampshire Bar Association.

Copyright 2025 NHWBA. All Rights Reserved.

New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104