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  • Get it Done During a Pandemic: Practical Productivity Strategies for Women Attorneys

Get it Done During a Pandemic: Practical Productivity Strategies for Women Attorneys

  • Friday, October 30, 2020
  • 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Women in the legal profession are facing unique challenges during COVID. Social inequities have come to light as COVID-19 has swept the world, and the pandemic has also emphasized the often lopsided division of labor in the home and at work. Many women attorneys are overwhelmed as they work from home, fulfill obligations to clients and employers, manage childcare and their children’s remote learning, care for elderly parents, and worry about what’s ahead for their families, relationships, and careers.

This 60-minute interactive training will provide actionable strategies that women attorneys can implement to ease their stress and overwhelm and boost their productivity, even during these disruptive and distracting times. During the training you’ll learn:

  1. Scheduling strategies to help you get more done in less time,
  2. How to be in control of your schedule, and
  3. How to rely on yourself to get everything done, no matter how busy and overwhelmed you may think you are.

The training is led by Nicole Negowetti, Productivity + Mindset Coach and Founder of Nicole Negowetti Coaching. Nicole is a member of the NH Bar and is also a Lecturer on Law and Clinical Instructor at Harvard Law School.

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New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104