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  • SHERO Celebration

SHERO Celebration

  • Wednesday, May 15, 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst, NH 03031


  • For those who have donated $100 or more for each person they nominated as a SHERO.
  • For those who have donated $25 or more for each person they nominated as a SHERO and are NHWBA members.
  • For those who have donated $25 or more for each person they nominated as a SHERO.
  • If your firm has signed on as a sponsor, please contact with names and email addresses to sign up. You can check to see how many free tickets you get with each sponsorship level.
  • Only available to our SHEROs, those who have been nominated by a friend or colleague. The list of SHEROs is available at

Registration is closed

Who's your SHERO?

In celebration of NHWBA's 20th Anniversary, we unveiled our SHERO Campaign to honor the female heroes of our members and friends.

Please join us for our SHERO Celebration, where we will honor these women. You can view the list of those who have been nominated here.

The evening will feature NYC-based stand up comedian, writer, TV personality, and podcaster Kath Barbadoro.

Haven't had a chance to honor your SHERO yet? Make a donation in her honor by the deadline of May 1 for her to be included at this event.

Need more information about which type of ticket to sign up for? Please reach out to

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New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104