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  • Annual Retreat

Annual Retreat

  • Friday, March 29, 2019
  • Saturday, March 30, 2019
  • Mill Falls, 312 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith, NH 03253


  • Includes private Friday night dinner buffet
  • This registration includes:
    - Private Friday night dinner buffet
    - Saturday morning breakfast in hotel restaurant
    - An estimated 90 minutes of CLE credit
    - Private Saturday lunch buffet

    This does not include lodging. Lodging must be booked by registrants. Please see more details in the event description.

2019 Annual Retreat

Our Annual Retreat is a not-to-be-missed overnight networking event at the beautiful Mill Falls in Meredith on Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th.

The event includes a private, buffet dinner on Friday night, breakfast Saturday morning in the hotel restaurant, a mid-morning resiliency workshop with guest speaker Professor Susan Brooks, which we believe will qualify for 90 minutes of CLE credits, and a private, buffet lunch on Saturday. The entire event is $145, but please contact Attorney Kat Hedges if you're interested in attending only a portion of the event.

Please note that due to a change in policy, attendees will be responsible for making their own lodging reservations. Overnight lodging is priced between $119-$199 per person. Please call (844) 745-2931 and mention that you are with NHWBA to book your room. You can also explore room types online here. All our meetings and meals will take place at the Church Landing property, but you may stay at their other properties as well.

Several room types are available, including for those wishing to stay on their own, as well as folks looking to save money by staying with roommate(s). If you need help finding a roommate, please contact Attorney Kat Hedges.

Services at the Cascade Spa can be booked by calling 603-677-8620. A 15% discount is available with the code NHBAR19.


FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2019

  • 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Cocktail Reception
  • 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Dinner and Welcome Remarks


  • 7:00 am to 10:00 am - Breakfast (no formal programming)
  • 10:00 am to 10:30 am - Break
  • 10:30 am to 11:00 am - Registration for CLE
  • 11:00 am to 1:15 pm - Lunch and CLE Presentation: Professor Susan Brooks

Note: All programming except for Saturday breakfast will be held in the Carriage House. Breakfast will be on your own, but registrants for the Saturday programming will be provided with a voucher that can be used at the Lakehouse Grill at Church Landing or Waterfall Café at Mills Falls.

CLE Guest Speaker

This year's guest speaker for the Saturday morning CLE will be Professor Susan Brooks.

Susan Brooks is the Associate Dean for Experiential Learning and a Professor of Law at the Drexel University Kline School of Law in Philadelphia.

She teaches Family Law alongside courses on holistic representation, reflective practice, effective communication, and access to justice. Professor Brooks has a background in social work, and has devoted her career to importing principles and practices from social work into law. She has written extensively and has conducted workshops to promote a relational approach to legal practice and education, including perspectives and practices to strengthen emotional intelligence and resilience.

This web site is for informational purposes only. No information submitted to this site will be deemed to be, or kept, confidential. The NHWBA is a voluntary professional organization. It is not affiliated with the New Hampshire Bar Association.

Copyright 2025 NHWBA. All Rights Reserved.

New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104