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  • Judicial Selection

     Dear Members and Friends, 

For years, as part of its efforts to achieve gender equity in the judiciary, the NHWBA has consistently sponsored educational programs, such as Path to the Bench, designed to remove barriers for women aspiring to serve as judges.  Yet, women continue to be underrepresented in the judiciary.  According to a study conducted by the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation in 2022, women comprised only 38% of all judges in New Hampshire.  To bridge this gap, we must do more. 

NHWBA is excited to launch a targeted campaign to achieve this mission.  Over the coming months, our newsletter will feature information about the judicial selection process, in our “Did You Know?” series.  NHWBA will offer new programs about applying to be a judge.  NHWBA will also modify its website to include a dedicated page designed to assist those interested in applying for a judicial vacancy. 

The timing for this campaign is right.  NHWBA expects there may be several vacancies in the near future on the following courts:

  • 1st Circuit Court of Appeals (There is currently 1 vacancy.  Applicants with significant appellate experience are encouraged to apply.  Please send a letter of interest and a resume to Jennifer_MacLellan@shaheen.senate.gov and dave_christie@hassan.senate.gov.)
  • Supreme Court (anticipated November 2023 according to the Red Book);
  • Superior Court (NH Judicial Branch has requested, as part of its FY24/25 budget, 1 new superior court position.  Additional vacancies anticipated in 2024 according to the Red Book); and
  • Circuit Court (NH Judicial Branch has requested, as part of its FY24/25 budget, 7 new circuit court positions.  Additional vacancies anticipated in 2024 according to the Red Book).

Over the years, NHWBA has heard from numerous judges that they were motivated to apply because they were encouraged by others to do so.  Let’s support each other to achieve our shared goal.  

If you know someone who would be a great judge, take a moment to let them know!

Link to Application

Lindsey Courtney

NHWBA President 2022-2024

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New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104
