
The NHWBA was established in 1998. We are committed to achieving gender equity in the legal profession by promoting the advancement and interests of women through leadership, professional development, and education.

We offer our members opportunities for personal and professional growth through networking and professional development forums, continuing legal education seminars, and public service initiatives that focus on improving the lives of women and children in New Hampshire.

Our membership is comprised of attorneys in all areas of law, judges, educators, government officials, paralegals, and law students from across the state. Learn more here about becoming a member.

We invite you to learn more about the NHWBA by exploring our website or joining us at an upcoming event.

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This web site is for informational purposes only. No information submitted to this site will be deemed to be, or kept, confidential. The NHWBA is a voluntary professional organization. It is not affiliated with the New Hampshire Bar Association.

Copyright 2023 NHWBA. All Rights Reserved.

New Hampshire Women's Bar Association

497 Hooksett Road

Box 179

Manchester, NH 03104
